1871 Henry Willis; 1933 Harrison; 2004 Mander organ at Royal Albert Hall, London, England, UK

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Programs that feature this organ

#0128: Curley Cues

There’s never any question that when this fellow plays the organ, he means it… an outspoken and charismatic talent, Carlo Curley joins us for our next Pipedreams broadcast to share some of his views on the art and some of his vibrant recordings made in England and America. You’ll hear favorites by Purcell, Widor, Guilmant, and Bach, on famous instruments at Royal Albert and Royal Festival Halls in London, Belheim Palace [birthplace of Winston Churchill], Girard College Chapel in Philadelphia, and the Century II Convention Center in Wichita. When he’s hot, there’s no one quite so energized or entertaining as American virtuoso Carlo Curley. Pipes and passion go hand in hand. Hear what all the fuss is about as Carlo parades from Girard College Chapel in Philadelphia to Royal Festival Hall in London. Follow the Curley Cues this week on Pipedreams.

#0140: Organ Fireworks

Some people just enjoy a challenge. On our next Pipedreams program, we visit with one such challenged individual, a former organist at Westminster Abbey who’s now a full-time recitalist. Just to say he’d done it, Christopher Herrick went and recorded and performed in concert the complete works of Bach. But that was just a beginning. He’s scoured the world in search of interesting instruments and we’ll hear him play wide-ranging repertoire on organs from around the world. There’s no doubt HE sets off Organ Fireworks. It’s not just concert sparklers, but the whole range of musical opportunity explored by a recitalist and recording artist who has travelled the world to find just the right sound for his successful Hyperion recordings. From London’s Temple Church to the Town Hall of Wellington, New Zealand, you’ll be delighted by Christopher Herrick’s Organ Fireworks, this week on Pipedreams.

#0435: From Royal Albert Hall

Come along to Royal Albert Hall in London where we’ll hear the newly-restored Willis-Harrison organ, the largest organ in the UK, in concert performances taken from the 2004 BBC Proms season. Due to contract limitations, this program is not available in our online audio archive.

#0735: Pipes at the Proms

…performances from London’s celebrated Royal Albert Hall and its 9,999-pipe Willis-Mander organ, still the largest in England.

#0931: Pipes at the Proms (I)

…courtesy of the BBC, these performances come direct from this summer’s festival season at the Royal Albert Hall, London’s premier gathering place for classical music.

#0934: Pipes at the Proms (II)

…in solo, concerted music, and with huge choir and orchestra, England’s largest concert pipe organ always holds its own at London’s Royal Albert Hall.

#0941: Fireworks and Dreams

…music and conversation featuring internationally touring British recitalist Christopher Herrick, in celebration of his 40th anniversary as a recording artist.

#1022: Savoring Schumann

…on the occasion of the bicentennial of his birth, we enjoy some intriguing scores that Robert Schumann composed in 1845…originally not for the pipe organ!

#1034: From the BBC Proms

…music featuring the mighty and historic Willis-Harrison-Mander pipe organ (once the world’s largest!) as recently recorded at London’s landmark Royal Albert Hall.

#1130: From the BBC Proms

…Soloists Stephen Farr and David Goode figure in this first of two summer programs from England’s extraordinary music festival, highlighting the organ at Royal Albert Hall.

#1138: More from the BBC Proms

…soloists Thierry Escaich, David Goode and Thomas Trotter preside over England’s grandest concert organ in performances from London’s Royal Albert Hall.

#1201: The Elusive English Organ

…a sampler of instruments old and new (and performers youthful and mature) as prelude to the Spring 2012 Pipedreams Tour in the UK.

#1218: Virgil Fox: The Centenary

…a tribute to the memory of one of the most popular, and controversial, organists of all time, who believed in the cause of beauty above history, and above the limitations of any instrument.

#1337: From the BBC Proms

…performances from the world's most popular classical music festival, recorded at London's Royal Albert Hall.

#1422: Fireworks and Dreams (Encore)

…music and conversation feature internationally-touring British recitalist Christopher Herrick, in celebration of his years as a recording artist.

#1530: Fireworks and Dreams

…music and conversation featuring internationally touring British recitalist Christopher Herrick, in celebration of his 40th anniversary as a recording artist.

#1536: Prom-inent Pipes

…classic repertoire, improvisations, and an unusual concerto provide opportunities for soloists on the mighty Royal Albert Hall organ at the BBC Proms in London.

#1737: From Royal Albert Hall

…a BBC Proms concert focusing on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, with newly commissioned scores and traditional repertoire, too.

#1832: Another Prom Date

…we revisit London’s celebrated Royal Albert Hall for a performance from the immensely popular BBC Proms 2018 season.

#1935: At the Proms 2019

…Notre Dame Cathedral organist Olivier Latry and Leipzig Gewandhaus organist Michael Schönheit perform at the Royal Albert Hall.

#2008: A Few Rare Welsh Bits

…intriguing choral and organ repertoire from or about Wales, to honor the country's patron, Saint David, and the 'Land of Song'.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.